Greetings! It's cloudy, muggy and stormy in Cambridge today. Yech. I've been waking up at 5 am, and we had a groggy early morning walk:

I now "stop" and "stay" at the curbs. I am an awesome and beautiful bitch.
Crazy lady can't find a camera, so it has been a while since we posted an update. She feels bad, but I told her, "Toughen up, chick-a-dee. Be Darth Vadar, not a wimp..."

I've been on my very best behavior since last week. Crazy lady is usually very kind and gentle, even when she feels like her nephew trapped in a cage:

You see, crazy lady likes to clean my bed every day. She says it helps "clear her head" before she starts to work. I say it's an indication of neurosis, and she needs treatment. Regardless, she was trying to clean my bed last week, and I refused to move. I was tired and grouchy. When she reached over to wipe the windowsill, I growled and tried to bite her. She was MAD. She said a naughty word-- stared at the ceiling-- pointed to the floor-- and demanded that I "get off." I looked away, but jumped off the windowsill. She then made me "sit," "stay," "watch," "come," and "lay down." We practiced obedience commands for 30 minutes. I could tell she was very, very angry-- but I obeyed every command. When she finally said "okay" (the release command), I ran to the bedroom with my tail tucked between my legs.
Later, I skulked to her office and watched her work. She was trying to decide between 2 drawings for another one of her books, a horror anthology based on children's folklore:

Ralph Kuh is the artist. He's from South Africa and wonderful; but he's not feeling very well, these days. Crazy lady is worried about Ralph, and hopes he will be safe and happy soon.
When crazy lady looked at me, I walked over and laid my head against her chest. She melted, even though I could tell she was still angry. Since the incident, we've been practicing obedience commands a lot more, and she makes me get off the windowsill at least 5 times a day. This is crazy lady's home. She protects and cares for me. No more biting. I never want to see crazy lady angry, again.