We leave for Easthampton tomorrow morning. The trip includes a ferry ride-- my first adventure on a boat! Crazy lady will try to take plenty of pictures.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Playful Puppy
Crazy lady has received many letters, asking to post more pictures of my beautiful self:
After editing & writing all day, we go to the park. Crazy lady chills on a blanket & reads. I play. She thinks I am regressing into puppyhood. She brings plenty of toys & treats to the park, otherwise I get bored and demand her attention. The most important thing? I'm happy and secure in my environment.
We leave for Easthampton tomorrow morning. The trip includes a ferry ride-- my first adventure on a boat! Crazy lady will try to take plenty of pictures.
We leave for Easthampton tomorrow morning. The trip includes a ferry ride-- my first adventure on a boat! Crazy lady will try to take plenty of pictures.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Positively Riveting
Click on picture for wondrous speech.
The only difference between Ian Dunbar and crazy lady? She would have confronted the man who abused his kid on the plane. Crazy lady wishes she could attend a TED conference, but she is unwilling to bribe a psuedo-intellectual and pay thousands of dollars. She has to accept her place in this world as a TED lurker. Meanwhile, enjoy!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Summertime Sprinklers
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Dead Dog
Many shelters are unwilling to give shy dogs time to work through their issues. Instead, these shelters conduct "humane euthanasia" for critters like me, other shy dogs. They need to make room for other rescued animals, especially the ones who are "easy adoptions." It drives crazy lady bonkers when she learns about these "kill policies," and the criteria some shelters will use to "throw away life." Crazy lady used to run a program for children living in a domestic violence shelter, and she often wonders: What if we disposed of the shy, unapproachable, wary children in the human shelter, much in the same way we disposed of shy dogs in animal shelters? Children in crisis need stability over time, and a chance to feel secure in their environment. Just like me.
A special friend in Denver sent crazy lady a note, highlighting a new group in Texas who is fighting the Houston SPCA's "kill policies." Here is what she learned about this group, Furry Pals Rescue:
"Furry Pals Rescue, Inc. is organized exclusively for the charitable purpose of preventing cruelty to animals by rescuing homeless companion animals from animal shelters and any other place they may be found. The organization will provide or cause to be provided food, shelter, and appropriate medical care for each animal. Furry Pals Rescue, Inc. will work to reduce the number of homeless animals by providing for spaying and neutering of all adoptable animals that come into its care which will help reduce the problem of overpopulation. The organization will work to place each animal in an appropriate, qualified, permanent home. Each adoptive owner will be educated by Furry Pals Rescue, Inc., as to the medical and other needs
at the time of adoption of each animal to reduce the chance of an animal being homeless again."

Monday, August 18, 2008
Jazzy Princess
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Popeye Love

Friday, August 8, 2008
Those Crazy Ups & Downs
Crazy lady is traveling to Rhode Island today, to attend some weird awards banquet. They told her: "You don't qualify for anything but the Academy, but you should come to the banquet to meet the judges, who will then determine if you qualify for next year's awards..." Yes, there are others in the world who are just as crazy.
Anyhow, crazy lady wanted to post a brief note about her writer friend who is having a difficult time. She has received dozens of emails from people, asking "Is everything okay with your friend?" Here's an update posted on her blog this morning. Michelle (the writer) is going through "medication adjustments," something that crazy lady says is not unusual-- but a total drag. Michelle finds that walking her dog helps. Crazy lady completely understands. She made me crispy chicken skins, gave me a hug, and headed out the door to Rhode Island. Woo hoo! I have the couch and toys to myself!
Of course, I can't end this post without a beauty shot:
Anyhow, crazy lady wanted to post a brief note about her writer friend who is having a difficult time. She has received dozens of emails from people, asking "Is everything okay with your friend?" Here's an update posted on her blog this morning. Michelle (the writer) is going through "medication adjustments," something that crazy lady says is not unusual-- but a total drag. Michelle finds that walking her dog helps. Crazy lady completely understands. She made me crispy chicken skins, gave me a hug, and headed out the door to Rhode Island. Woo hoo! I have the couch and toys to myself!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Amazon? Antitrust? Never! (insert sarcasm here)
(1) most recent NY TIMES article
(2) lawsuit
(3) original publisher's weekly article
Well, Amazon has responded to the lawsuit, and it has been a busy couple of days for crazy lady. She sits on an advisory committee for women horror writers, and received the following email from Richard at BookLocker, the folks who filed the original lawsuit:
" Just wanted to let you know that we've released PDFs of Amazon's motion to dismiss and BookLocker's response to that motion. The federal judge will use these filings to make a determination as to if the lawsuit should proceed to trial or be thrown out. I'm posting the links here in case anyone is interested in diving deeper into the arguments of the lawsuit.
BookLocker's response
Amazon's Motion to Dismiss
Crazy lady has accomplished "zero, zippo, nada" today because of worried calls from small publishers, academics and writers impacted by Amazon's tactics. While there is no official boycott, crazy lady is suggesting that people shift to Powell's Books or Zubal's or something local to your community. It's hard. Amazon is cheap & convenient. It's too bad that Amazon has turned against the writers and publishers that gave it a boost in the early days.
Ah yes. Capitalism at its best & worst.
p.s. Some folks have asked "what else can we do?" There is an online petition sponsored by the Small Press association. They also have a web page dedicated to 5 things you can do, to help.
Cosmic Cuddles
Crazy lady is also in a weird mood because her writer friend sent her this email:
“Help! I just received my first review, and it was bad! I know you are used to people hating your work, but this is new ground for me. He actually gave me 1 star on Amazon! I’m in the U.K., traveling back tomorrow. Let’s meet Tuesday for coffee, and you can give me tips on dealing with haters.”
So… she meets a writer friend, to help with the “haters,” because (apparently) crazy lady is an expert on bad reviews. Then, she runs into the man who spent considerable time & effort mocking her in high school. Crazy lady has decided that we live in a very cosmic, very bizarre world. And people still ask her: How do you find material for your stories?
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