Do you see me?Do you see me, now?Not only do I have the perfect view of the back yard, but I can spy on crazy lady, as she works on the other side of the grape arbor. Clever, huh?
I was found as a stray in Taiwan, in the company of 2 other dogs, with a wire band wrapped around my neck. I was by far the skinniest among the 3, because I was always the last one to eat whenever we could find food. A Canadian family took me in and worked with the Animal Rescue Team TAIWAN ( to sponsor my travel to the United States. I was fostered by Judy, a wonderful lady who showed me kindness and helped with my shyness. I was later adopted by crazy lady Karen. She helps me make friends, and I am learning to trust again.
Khwite khlever!
Nice paws too!
Sugar is like Verizon for the visually impaired. Can you see me? Can you see me now? goood!
personally i think you should post that vid you were threatening to post. LOL!
my verification word is whatsh ... it just needs an "it" at the end to tell us what we think about the reaction you got from a certain blog world...
Very clever, Sugar. Always good to keep an eye on her.
woos, the OP Pack
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