Ah, drama. What can I say? I live with a drama queen, and she has been going through a bit of personal hell, right now. I feel her angst and have been providing the necessary comfort. It's pretty amazing how sensitive we are to our human's feelings. They're depressed? We snuggle. They're in pain? We snuggle. They're joyful? We play, followed by snuggle. I know some folks have been asking, "what's up with crazy lady?" To make a very long story short and sweet (because I AM NOT A DRAMA QUEEN), crazy lady is not having surgery. She's decided to give treatment a chance, for 6 months. The docs made it clear that the surgery would NOT fix the damage to her spinal cord. The surgery has a 33% chance of "stabilizing" her spinal cord for a little while; and a 67% chance of failure. Failure includes paralysis from the neck down and a feeding tube-- so, NO. Not now. She's giving treatment and alternate therapies a chance. She's also trying to make peace with the fact that the current damage is permanent, and she will be wearing a neck brace and carrying a cane for a long, long time.

Crazy lady has decided that this blog is about ME, and not her illness, treatment and angst. Instead, she plans to create (yet another) blog about her journey. The docs have asked her to keep a video diary, so they can monitor her progress over time. She figured, "what the hell? I might as well write about it, too." She'll post a link to her new blog, once it is up & running. Be forewarned, though-- crazy lady holds nothing back. You will be blessed with the gory details, if you decide to read about the new crapola in her life.

I'll keep you posted. Meanwhile, please try to avoid the "keep a positive mind" sentiment, if you leave a comment. It really pisses her off, these days. She's having a hard time finding something positive about a 5 mm spinal cord "hanging by a thread" in her neck. If you're looking for a perky and positive response to her current crisis, I suggest you read a different blog. I mean, geez-- this woman writes horror for a living! She would appreciate sick and twisted humor, though...
So I guess her walking me is out of the khwestion right now?
My khrazy mom will had your khrazy lady's blog...
Maybe WE need a support group of our own - Juno and Loki might be there with us!
PeeEssWoo: Reality does sukhk sometime...thank dog fur US!
We hate perky and positive but momma can fake it when needed.
Hello buddy !!!
Here to say HI & make new pals from the DWB family !
Do visit us :D
Have a nice day !
The Musketeers
We are so new here we really don't even know what has happened, but we send wishes for the best.
Woos, the OP Pack
Hey Sugar: tell your mom to look on the bright side: there's always a dark side! booow ahahahahahah... (that's my idea of sick/twisted).
nothing like reality for good writer's material, eh? just think of all the horror stories crazy lady can write...
oh and you better stop looking so cute, or crazy lady will dress you up in some sick and twisted halloween costume and it won't be something cool like a witch or bat. It will be something totally GIRLY! oh my dawgs... that would be a nightmare.
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