Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A bit of crazy

Crazy lady has had a death in the family, so she is headed to Austin TX to help her sister. I am staying with my foster momma Judy, and William is headed to Isis' parents. The thing about William? He LOVES to put anything in his mouth:Crazy lady came out of the shower and found me by the door. I tried to tell her, "It wasn't me!" but she doesn't speak dog. When she looked past the bathroom, she saw all of the blankets piled in the middle of the floor, along with toys, his kennel bed, and my bed! Do you know where William was hiding? Under the pile of blankets, beds and toys. He was eating plastic, and trying to be sneaky. Ha! He doesn't know crazy lady too well, does he? She was able to open his clenched jaw and remove the plastic, along with string, pine cones, and gook. He still tried to eat his favorite blanket:Sneaky dufess, huh?Me? I'm perfect.Okay, only when he is NOT trying to steal my pink worm.Enjoy your time with Isis and Otis, William. I will be waiting for you, when crazy lady returns...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! Sugar's all like, um, WTF? and William's all like "dude, all this STUFF...it's like STUFF... it's like MY STUFF...cuz I took it and it belongs to ME...it's all MINE...MINE, MINE!!" and sugar's like, "um....ya, whatever dude. I'm so unattached to things. I've been doing my yoga...maybe you should do a little yoga too...ya know and learn to like, not be so attached to things..."