Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Nico, sluts and food (not in that order)

Crazy lady was all prepared to post a silly story about Eat Me Daily, a web site someone on her other blog recommended. Apparently, there's an autopsy of a McDonald's Big Mac on the site. It reminded crazy lady's fan (yeah, she has fans, although goodness knows why...) of a disgusting story she wrote about one of her California neighbor's slutty, blond, Amazon sisters. Don't ask. Anyhow, instead of highlighting this picture:Crazy lady opted to highlight this story:She learned about Nico on Walkin the Bark's web site this morning. She was returning emails when his picture popped up in her "alert" box. She read the complete story here, and loved the message. Go read the story. Be uplifted. Take a moment to hug the loved ones in your life, and relish the fact that human beings have the potential to provide unconditional love. Don't worry. I'll return to my snarky self, tomorrow.


Unknown said...

It's a great, uplifting story. Kudos to you and WITB for sharing it.

I am just wondering what is happening with William?

Linda of Bo

Anonymous said...

I know. i just love Nico. his story is uplifting. i hope he finds a loving home. i think he will. he's a lover.

it wasn't too long ago you had that same look, too Sugar...Wild Dingo knows EVERYTHING... even YOUR history...

and look at you today, all confident, filled out and saving yor mom on food bills by hunting venison. how thoughtful!