Now, according to crazy lady, demons are not evil. They are wicked, with a unique sense of style. They are also very loyal to the ones who take care of them-- but not necessarily loyal to those who love them. She recently published a love story about a demon and shifter, and her writer's blog is abuzz with the "good" and "evil" debate this morning. Someone actually wrote:
"Words have power. Even your Sugar Tales have demonic presense (sic)."
Sigh...come one...besides the fact that you can not spell-- do you really think I am an Evil One? I am nothing like a cat. Look at me, as I watch crazy lady climb the stairs:

Hah! I only have demon eyes:

Deep down, I am an adorable sweatpea, with a little bit of demonic wickedness. Especially when I sleep:

I'm not even going to pontificate (much) on the "words have power" argument, except to say this: yes, yes, yes, words have power. Duh. You, as humans, have the capacity to decide what you want to believe. It's called "critical thinking." Unlike schizophrenics and the occasional psychotic (hmmm, 90% of her fan base, I had better be careful...), I know the difference between fiction and "real life." Crazy lady really hates it when people tell her (always in a self-important, mindful, patronizing and arrogant manner) that "words have power." Humans. If you don't like the blog, stop reading. What more can I say? Now, back to sleep and my lovely, demonic dreams...