My best friend
Echo is leaving for the wilds of Maine with her family. Her family spends the summer overseeing
Camp Vega, an amazing adventure for girls. Echo gets to spend her time laying in the sun, swimming in the lake, playing with the kids, and tussling with her brother. Me? I'll be sun bathing, wrestling at the dog park, and playing with kids in Cambridge. Crazy lady is hoping that we can visit Echo and her family during the summer, but it depends on schedules. Sigh...crazy lady and her schedules... We had our last play date this morning. Do you see my butt in the air? I had just spotted Echo in the park:

Crazy lady describes my reaction to Echo and her family as "pure joy and happiness." I jump up and down, whine, and run to greet them:

Here we are, wrestling:

And for folks who don't believe that I enjoy the company of humans? Here I am, saying "hello" to Echo's dad:

Bye Echo! Have a wonderful time in Maine. We will miss you and your family-- but I can't wait to see you in December!